Origami: Folding supports balance

4 min read
Folding supports balance


Standstill, architecture and origami - how do they fit together? According to us very well. Lingering in the moment, even forgetting the time, devoting yourself in almost meditative calm to the folding of a carefully selected paper, seeing the shape grow, slow, deliberate movements of the fingers, which stroke the folded edges of the sheet ... The paper sculptures can be simple in their shape, sometimes breathtaking in their complexity.

For Paulo Mulatinho, origami, the folding of paper sculptures, is the elixir of life. Born in Brazil, he has lived in Freising for over 20 years and has networked worldwide for the establishment of origami culture. He wants to get it out of the craft corner because for him it is so much more than that.

„You have to be in balance to fold. There is no other way. And folding supports this balance incredibly.“
Paulo Mulatinho

For “the folder” Mulatinho, dealing with the forms is inspiration, balance, challenge and communication at the same time. The following quotes by the artist, taken from an online interview by journalist Julia Rehder (www.portraets-im-netz.de), bring this art, this occupation, its value and its meaning closer to us “non-folders”

“Every life is an explosion. We carry inside what we are going to develop: the folded dancer, the folded writer, the folded football player ...
So I fold to unfold. Life is always development. There is no other way. Sometimes it takes longer, sometimes faster. But in the end we will develop."

“Origami is life. As a form of expression, sometimes even as an image of life in miniature. Because origami is man-made. Shaped by his hands. The hands are so close to the brain that, as I imagine, my thoughts that arise when I fold find expression in the result. While I fold, my hands send information to the brain. I express myself. Quite literally: I grip, I destroy, I bend and kink, and in doing so I construct. Sometimes my thinking is completely turned off. This is why handwork is so great for people. It works directly and always creates something new.

“Seeing what other people are folding, what they are choosing (fascinates me immensely). Everyone folds something else. Some like decorative things, others prefer to fold very complex things. With this they say: I fold something that you cannot do. So: I'm taller than you. You can quickly see: Who is talking to me, who is my counterpart. Just like when playing. In the game you develop a completely different affection because you recognize the person better. Suddenly you see: Oh, he's very ambitious, I never knew that. Or you see how slow people are, how generous and so on. Until you didn't play with each other, you didn't quite see through the person."

Folding supports balance

“(When you meet for origami folding,) a dynamic develops that is very, very pleasant. There is a great silence, and the loneliness that we humans fear has disappeared for the moment. Because there is a common goal. Everyone is alone and yet we are together - that is a very desirable state." "Man is the link between origami and life. The Japanese gave paper a divine name: Kami means 'soul' first and then 'paper'. Oru means 'fold'. Origami is Oru and Kami. By folding, we reveal our personality. Our expression. It is sometimes stronger and sometimes weaker. But a folded thing is always loaded with energy. It is an expression of life."

The levels on which Mulatinho's observations are made are diverse and understandable at the same time. According to the motto "Show me what you fold and I'll tell you who you are ..." he looks into the souls of people. Anyone who has talked to him appreciates his calmness, his friendliness, the warm sound of his voice - and would probably like to fold with him one day.

SPIRAL is a matter of the heart of Paulo Mulatinho. For about two years he compiled the content together with Tomoko Fuse, the origami expert par excellence, and co-editor Silke Schröder, designed the layout and published this comprehensive work in his own Viereck publishing company in 2012.

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