Pavilion of the Holy See, Island of San Giorgio Maggiore
Commissioner: Cardinale Gianfranco Ravasi
Curators: Francesco Dal Co, Micol Forti
The theme of the chapel as a place of orientation, encounter, meditation and salutation was suggested to ten architects who were invited to design and build a chapel in a wooded area at one end of the Venetian island of San Giorgio Maggiore.
The chapels created by the architects are arranged in
as curator Francesco Dal Co explains, emphasizing the unique, original character of the initiative that has granted the architects complete freedom to design
Inside the chapels, the shared fulcrum and identifying, unifying feature is represented by the presence of the altar and the lectern.
The Choice of the ten invited architects was based on the decision to focus on designers capable of applying different expressive languages, all strong characters from the standpoint of constructive experimentation, belonging to different generations:
Andrew Berman (USA)
Francesco Cellini (Italy)
Javier Corvalán (Paraguay)
Ricardo Flores, Eva Prats (Spain)
Norman Foster (UK)
Terunobu Fujimori (Japan)
Sean Godsell (Australia)
Carla Juacaba (Brazil)
Smiljan Radic (Chile)
Eduardo Souto de Moura (Portugal)