Architecture Biennale: Switzerland – Germany – Israel

3 min read

Switzerland: Incidential Space

Exhibitor Christian Kerez raised the question: “ How might a room look like if you do not want to refer to an epoch, a style or a conception of  architecture? “ With his contribution he wants to create a space that is not referring to a room outside of of itself and that is neither functional nor illustrative.

Curator: Sandra Oehy
Commissioner: Sandi Paucic, Marianne Burki, Swiss Arts Council Pro Helvetia

Germany: Making Heimat

Four large openings were broken into the monumental walls of the German Pavilion. The curators took out 48 tons of bricks and transformed the Pavilion in an open house. Germany is also open – for more than one million refugees in the past year. The gesture of the open house, the open pavilion, should encourage thinking about Germany as an immigration country. The exhibition is based on Doug Saunders book „Arrival city“. The curators present 8 thesis for the Arrival City together with Saunders.

Curator: Oliver Elser
Commissioner: Peter Cachola Schmal, Deutsches Architekturmuseum (DAM)

Israel: A – is for Architecture, B – is for Biology

The pavilion comprises a large-scale sculptural installation and seven speculative architectural scenarios related to Israel. It focuses on the connection between architecture and biology. Technological and scientific innovations are presented.

Curators: Ido Bachelet, Bnaya Bauer, Arielle Blonder, Yael Eylat Van-Essenn, Noy Lazarovich
Commissioner: Arad Turgeman

Israeli pavilion: exhibition about the connection between architecture and biology
Israeli pavilion: exhibition about the connection between architecture and biology
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